
Excursions to the KESAB Education Centres, interactive incursions, classroom activities and more.

Are you looking for fun and exciting education programs?

KESAB offers a range of tailored education programs and resources, including excursions to the KESAB Education Centres, interactive incursions, and classroom activities.

Waste and recycling education

Exciting, curriculum-aligned sustainability education programs to empower positive behaviour change.

Tailoring our presentations to your site’s needs, KESAB will deliver key information to staff and students to support environmental outcomes and help make your new bin system a success.

Hands-on exploration of how metal properties relate to recycling and the Circular Economy. Sessions tailored for Years 4-6 and 7-10.

KESAB Education centre

KEC is a purpose-built education facility inside a working site, offering visitors a sensory experience of what happens to their waste and recycling materials once their bins leave the kerbside.

Drawing on elements of the natural environment, indigenous environmental stewardship and modern waste management and resource recovery, the education centre provides the base for interactive education sessions.

The KEC excursion incorporates a tour of material processing sites and activities in the education centre. The session is facilitated by KESAB’s experienced education officers.

KESAB’s expert educators will lead visitors on an hour-long tour taking in elements of material processing such as mixed waste, construction, organics, household hard waste, expanded polystyrene and electronic waste. The tour provides visitors with a firsthand look at what happens to the materials that are thrown away and how these are processed to achieve the best outcomes.

To reflect South Australia’s natural environment, the education centre has a marine theme, with fish and a huge seal. The seal sculpture is made entirely of ‘waste’ materials, to encourage contextual consideration of waste behaviours and the impact of our actions. KESAB’s expert staff educate students about the value of recycling and the impact on the environment. Students will break off into groups to take part in multiple diverse activities that develop an understanding of waste-to-resources terminology, technology, source separation and materials processing. Key messages are enhanced by the amazing sculptures indigenous artwork and a native garden.

Warning: The KESAB Education Centre is a highly sensory experience with lots of lights, sounds and smells. It may not be suitable for some students with sensory processing difficulties.

Key Information:

Max Class Size:

30 students


Preschool to year 12


1 Class = $420 (+GST), Consecutive Class $305 (+GST)


Lot 254 Corner Hines and Wingfield Roads, Wingfield SA 5013

Session Length:

2 hours, shorter sessions are available for younger groups

Session Requests:

To request a session, please complete the request form or contact KESAB on 8234 7255.

Thanks to the support of:

Statewide Recycling, located in Ottoway, is a ‘Super Collector’ of 10c deposit drink containers from recycling depots throughout South Australia, and the Statewide Recycling Education Centre is a fantastic showcase of reused and recycled products. At Statewide, students will learn about the benefits of South Australia’s drink container deposit legislation (CDL), manufacturing and recycling processes, and more. The education centre includes a variety of activities, from the Natural Resources jigsaw puzzle, to sorting drink containers on the moving conveyor belt! This excursion can also be combined with an excursion to the Wingfield Waste and Recycling Centre and Wingfield Education Centre.

Request an excursion at Statewide:

Max Class Size:

30 students

Session Length:

1 hour


Year 2 and above


$350 (+GST) for one class

Session Requests:

Currently Not Available

Classroom sessions

Recycling relay (Primary and Secondary Years)

This activity supports a practical application of waste and recycling knowledge. It can be used in the middle of a unit of work, or at the end, to assess students’ knowledge of correct separation of materials.

This great activity combines education and fitness!

Students receive a brief introduction on waste and recycling before working in relays teams to sort real items into ‘landfill’, ‘recycling’ and ‘organics’ bins. The bin colours used replicate the kerbside system of the council area the school falls in, assisting students to become great recyclers at home too!

After the relay, the contents of the bins are examined, with ‘tricky’ items discussed in the group.

Please note: Limited subsidies are available for schools in some council areas. Please contact KESAB and speak to a Waste Education Officer for more information.

Request an excursion

Session length:

approx. 45 minutes


R – Year 12


 $320 (+GST) for one session. (Primary and Secondary Years)

Additional sessions on same day are $160 (+GST) per class.

Max of 5 classes/day = $960 (+GST).

Session requests:

To request a session, please complete the request form or contact KESAB on 8234 7255.

Recycling rhymes (Early Years)

This activity walks children through the journey of the kerbside bins via visual big books and an interactive bin game.

Children place materials into coloured bins tailored to your local council bin system, with rhymes to remember.

A discussion about tricky items can help answer any questions and support good resource management onsite and at home.

Please note: Limited subsidies are available for schools in some council areas. Please contact KESAB and speak to a Waste Education Officer for more information.

Request an excursion

Session length:

approx. 30 minutes (half class) or 45 minutes (whole class)


Early years ages 3+


$265 (+GST) for one session.

Additional sessions on same day are $105 (+GST) per class.

Max of 5 classes/day = $685 (+GST).

Session requests:

To request a session, please complete the request form or contact KESAB on 8234 7255.


This activity can be used as a tool to encourage group work, develop communication skills and understand procedures, all while educating students on paper recycling and protecting the environment.

Students of all ages can make their own hand-made paper in just one session.

KESAB can provide the equipment and expertise to assist your students in producing their own hand-made recycled paper, as well as an understanding of the links to recycling and environmental sustainability.

All you need is a suitable wet area, water, and a supply of A4 sized fabric pieces and newspaper to begin creating your own recycled paper.

You can choose to have a KESAB education officer attend your site, or hire out a papermaking kit on a weekly loan. See the School Resources tab for more information on hiring a kit.

Please note: check with us if your council offers a subsidy.

Request an excursion

Session length:

1 hour


Kindergarten – Year 12


$545 (+GST) for one session.
Additional sessions on same day are $265 (+GST) per class.
Maximum of 5 classes/day = $1,605 (+GST)

Session requests:

To request a session, please complete the request form or contact KESAB on 8234 7255.

Request an excursion

Kit content:

5 sets of equipment plus instructions.

Cost of hire:

$100 / week (+GST, Postage and handling may be applicable).

Additional charges apply if kits are returned dirty, broken, or incomplete.

Hire requests:

To hire a kit, simply complete and submit the hire form.

Build a Better Lunchbox / Beeswax Wraps

Beeswax wrap workshops are an opportunity for students (and staff) to make their own personalised plastic-free alternative to cling wrap – a fantastic way to reduce waste and create something beautiful, practical and eco-friendly! Workshops can be modified to suit all year levels and all participants get their own personalised wrap to take home and use, plus care instructions and a DIY manual so they can do it again themselves!

Please note: Limited subsidies are available for schools in some council areas. Please contact KESAB and speak to a Waste Education Officer for more information.

Request an excursion

Session length:

1.5 hours


Kindergarten – Year 12


$670 (+GST) for one session.

Additional sessions on same day are $420 (+GST) per class.

Please note: This session must be held in a closed room.

Session requests:

To request a session, please complete the request form or contact KESAB on 8234 7255.

Journey of my Food

Unfortunately in Australia 40% of all the food we produce is wasted. Food waste means we are wasting resources all along the supply chain, from the water needed to grow the food right through to the packaging used in the supermarket, and the transport needed to get it home to you.

The ‘Journey of my Food’ is an interactive workshop which follows the journey of common food items, encouraging students to think critically about the resources which went into making that food and the consequences of waste. During the session we will cover a range of concepts such as embodied water, food miles, different packaging materials, cosmetic standards and household food waste.

Please note: Limited subsidies are available for schools in some council areas. Please contact KESAB and speak to a Waste Education Officer for more information.

Request an excursion

Session length:

1 hour


Year 4 – Year 9


$475 (+GST) for one session.

Additional sessions on same day are $320 (+GST) per class.

Session requests:

To request a session, please complete the request form or contact KESAB on 8234 7255.

Compost / Worm Farm

These workshops provide students with a theoretical and practical understanding of composting and worm farm systems. Workshops can be used during the middle of a unit to help students understand procedures and methods, and to understand changes to materials in the environment over time.

Have you considered establishing your own compost system or worm farm?

Composting and Community Garden expert Alan Shepard can visit your school and work with your students to set up your compost or worm farm system. The session also includes how to maintain a healthy system, and the importance of diverting food from landfill.

More detailed sessions on systems for collecting food scraps, home composting, monitoring, links to school gardens and other environmentally sustainable practices are also available for key environment/ SRC groups and staff.

Please note: Limited subsidies are available for schools in some council areas. Please contact KESAB and speak to a Waste Education Officer for more information.

Request an excursion

Session length:

1 hour


Kindergarten – Year 12


$340 (+GST) for one session.

Additional sessions on same day are $160 (+GST) per class.

Max of 5 classes/day = $980 (+GST)

Session requests:

To request a session, please complete the request form or contact KESAB on 8234 7255.

Litter Less

The Litter Less incursion will focus on awareness, understanding and actioning of litter issues at school, in the community and the environment.

Following an introduction and discussion about litter, what it is and how it spreads students will participate in a sample litter audit in the school grounds.

Students will look at the results of the sample litter audit to identify the types of litter found, litter hotspots and consider bin placement. Students can then develop an action plan for the school, to reduce litter.

Please note: Limited subsidies are available for schools in some council areas. Please contact KESAB and speak to a Waste Education Officer for more information.

Request an excursion

Session length:

1.5 hours


Year 4 – Year 9


Maximum of 2 sessions/day.

Limited fully-subsidised sessions available

Please note: This session must be held in a closed room.

Session requests:

To request a session, please complete the request form or contact KESAB on 8234 7255.

Less to landfill

The Less to Landfill challenge is run by Wipe Out Waste, and the challenge is this:

To reduce the material that a class sends to landfill each day to one mini wheelie bin (300ml) or less! It can be done. It may be one class at your site or several.

To register for the challenge, visit

Request an excursion

Session length:

1.5 hours


Year 4 – Year 9


Maximum of 2 sessions/day.

Limited fully-subsidised sessions available

Please note: This session must be held in a closed room.

Session requests:

To request a session, please complete the request form or contact KESAB on 8234 7255.

Metal properties and recycling (Years 4-6)

Introduce your students to material properties and sustainability principles with this challenging and engaging workshop combining hands-on investigations with group discussion and activities. Students will explore how the properties of metals determine their uses, and are used to separate metals in recycling, and practice their literacy, numeracy, observation and collaboration skills.

Request an excursion

Session length:

approx. 90 minutes


Years 4-6


$365 (+GST) for one session. (Years 4-6)

Additional sessions on same day are $180 (+GST) per class.

Limited subsidies available.

Session requests:

To request a session, please contact KESAB on

Ph: 08 8234 7255

Metals and the circular economy (Years 7-10)

Explore physical and chemical properties of common metals and alloys, their uses and value, and the resources saved by recycling metals in a circular economy model instead of the traditional linear production – consumption – disposal approach. This engaging hands-on program would make an excellent introduction to a Design and Technologies unit or a Physical/Chemical Sciences unit. Activities include using buoyancy to calculate density, and a whole-class model of magnetic induction and eddy currents.

Request an excursion

Session length:

approx. 90 minutes


Years 7-10


$365 (+GST) for one session.

Additional sessions on same day are $180 (+GST) per class.

Limited subsidies available.

Session requests:

To request a session, please contact KESAB on

Ph: 08 8234 7255

Sustainability planning

Green Adelaide education officers work with school/preschool communities to embed sustainability principles in their learning and management practices. Students, staff and parents are provided with resources and support to take informed action at a local level, encouraging a whole-site approach. Benefits include enhanced learning experiences and a reduction in ecological footprints and associated school running costs. Activities include (but are not limited to):

  • investigating water and energy savings
  • building frog ponds, veggie beds and butterfly gardens
  • managing food waste with worm farms and compost bins
  • investigating wildlife in the school/preschool yard and beyond.

This approach also supports the development of problem solving and critical thinking skills which link to the Australian Curriculum and Early Years Learning Framework. There are many examples of site examples and whatever your sustainability goals are Green Adelaide education officers will help you get there.

Bin Assessments

An experienced KESAB assessor can visit your site to assess the effectiveness of your current bin systems and provided advice and suggestions to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill by:

  • improving existing collections (e.g. drink containers, paper and card board recycling)
  • introducing new collections (e.g. food scraps for compost, clean film plastic).

During the bin assessment, the assessor will walk through your school, kindergarten or child care centre, accompanied by staff and/or students, ideally involved with environmental programs and collections. He/she will make note of bin systems, bin placement and bin contents. You will be asked questions about how well the bins are utilised to collect materials and identify any barriers and issues that need to be resolved.

After the assessment KESAB will provide a report with recommendations and suggestions to successfully implement changes for improvements.

Youth Voice

Green Adelaide education officers mentor youth action groups to develop plans and projects within their schools to build their capacity as change agents.

Mentoring can also involve hands-on sustainability workshops, and networking activities with other schools. The Green Adelaide education team provides ongoing school support to embed the groups’ projects into the school culture and processes, and develop student leadership, public speaking and communication skills.

Green Adelaide also has numerous resources that can help student groups further explore sustainability.

Green Adelaide runs the Youth Environment Council of SA, which represents youth across the state and supports them to take action on sustainability and environmental issues of concern in their local area. This program empowers these young people to be drivers of change and active citizens.

A wide range of programs with experienced educators

KESAB helps students and staff to reduce waste, improve recycling and embrace sustainability through the below programs/initiatives:

Ozharvest program

KESAB is partnering with OzHarvest to deliver the FEAST program to South Australian schools.

FEAST is OzHarvest’s curriculum-aligned education program inspiring kids to eat healthy, waste less and become change-makers in their community.

KESAB’s programs have taught tens of thousands of South Australians how to reduce their waste and tread lightly on this earth.